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Adam R. Rosenthal

Adam R. Rosenthal is an Associate Professor of Global Studies at Texas A&M University. He is the author of Prosthetic Immoralities: Biology, Transhumanism, and the Search for Indefinite Life, out now from the University of Minnesota Press.


Am I, then, Immortal? Shelley, Derrida, and the Religiosity of Transhumanism

Immortality is no longer, it seems, a question of if, but of when. A question of means, to be sure, but no longer one of possibility.

Humanity beyond the human: Theorizing War with Sylvia Wynter and Edward Said

I am interested in this sense of the ordinary, ongoing strike. This humble strike—not necessarily modest but rather close to the ground—could involve a politics of refusal and boycott, where those terms could be understood not only as negatives, but also as holding space for a new international community, and thus connecting explicitly something already connected or entangled in practice.