Modernism’s frequent ambivalence toward religious traditions is in part a reaction against … an affective appropriation by the state, particularly in the service of war
This following post includes political theology related panels and events happening at the AAR/SBL Conference in San Diego California this year. Below you can find the times, locations, and much more, as it is presented in the online program book.
Under the multidisciplinary banner ‘Animal Studies’, we may decenter the ‘human’ in this history of capitalist agriculture, and instead attend to the political histories of insect agents. The resulting narrative is intriguingly subversive.
Are you tired of your old body politic? Is it missing that special something? Try new Ubik Political Theology! Just spray Ubik Political Theology illiberally onto the affected parts and your political body will be instantly revitalized by the transcendental glow of Christian theology. Use in exceptional circumstances only. No terms and conditions apply. Warning: may contain nuts.