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Agnieszka Kościańska

Agnieszka Kościańska an associate professor at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Warsaw and, in 2021 and 2022, Leverhulme Visiting Professor at Oxford School of Global and Area Studies. She is the Principal Investigator in “Catholicising Reproduction, Reproducing Catholicism: Activist Practices and Intimate Negotiations in Poland, 1930-Present” funded by the National Science Center Poland. She is the author and (co)editor of several volumes on gender and sexuality, including To See a Moose: The History of Polish Sex Education (Berghahn Books 2021, Polish version 2017, Wydawnictwo Czarne), Gender, Pleasure, and Violence: The Construction of Expert Knowledge of Sexuality in Poland (Indiana University Press 2021, Polish version 2014, University of Warsaw Press).


Polish Grassroots Theologies of Desire: From Internal Conflict to Political Action

Polish Catholics protest against the Church’s conservative approach to sexuality. Liberal traditions have been successfully silenced since John Paul II, so now they create their own theologies of desire. Will the Church listen?

Humanity beyond the human: Theorizing War with Sylvia Wynter and Edward Said

I am interested in this sense of the ordinary, ongoing strike. This humble strike—not necessarily modest but rather close to the ground—could involve a politics of refusal and boycott, where those terms could be understood not only as negatives, but also as holding space for a new international community, and thus connecting explicitly something already connected or entangled in practice.