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Anna Bowden

Anna M. V. Bowden is Assistant Professor of New Testament at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and author of Revelation and the Marble Economy of Roman Ephesus: A People’s History Approach (Lexington, 2021).


Sitting in Public

Jesus doesn’t ban sitting or reclining in public. He encourages it, supports it, and even participates in it.

Possessed by Jesus

In a world of increasing anti-Jewish sentiments, we do well to note at whom Jesus points a finger. It’s not at Judaism, it’s at Rome.

The Laborers are Many, the Jobs are Few

If we are willing to listen to those standing around without work, however, a new possibility emerges. Why are they standing around without work? “Because no one has hired us,” they reply (Matthew 20:7). They aren’t lazy, they’re desperate enough to stand around all day waiting for work. The laborers are many; the jobs are few.