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Anna Blackman

Anna Blackman is a Lecturer in Catholic Religious Education at the University of Glasgow. Prior to her time at Glasgow, she lectured at the universities of Roehampton, Durham, Newcastle, and Tubingen, as well as working as a Research Associate in the area of Catholic social thought and practice at the Center for Social Concerns at the University of Notre Dame. She serves on the Columban Missionaries in Britain’s Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee and co-chairs the Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church’s roundtable on nonviolence and just peace. Anna has also worked with the London, Glasgow, and South Bend, IN, Catholic Workers. Her previous research on the Catholic Worker has appeared in Studies in Christian Ethics and the Journal of Catholic Social Thought.


Dorothy Day Through the Eyes of Her Granddaughters: An Interview with Kate and Martha Hennessy

In terms of Dorothy’s theology, I think that there is an inclination now where they want to write about piety. They don’t want to write about “Don’t pay your war taxes.”