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Arthur Bradley

Arthur Bradley is Professor of Comparative Literature at Lancaster University. He works at the intersection of comparative literature, political theory and modern European philosophy. His most recent book is Unbearable Life: A Genealogy of Political Erasure (Columbia University Press, 2019). In 2024, his new book Staging Sovereignty: Theory, Theater, Thaumaturgy is published by Columbia University Press.


Philip K. Dick’s half-lives

Are you tired of your old body politic? Is it missing that special something? Try new Ubik Political Theology! Just spray Ubik Political Theology illiberally onto the affected parts and your political body will be instantly revitalized by the transcendental glow of Christian theology. Use in exceptional circumstances only. No terms and conditions apply. Warning: may contain nuts.


I Am the Brand Name

If the translator’s mistake appears to grotesquely reverse the great metaphysical reveal of Dick’s work, which is to say that it reduces the mysterious and omnipotent Ubik to nothing more than a commercial trademark like Apple, Google or Nike, it is typical that the author himself finds something perversely right – indeed wonderful — in its essential wrongness: Dick already knew very well, after all, that capitalism can quite literally change your life.