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Brenna Moore

Brenna Moore is a specialist in the area of modern Christianity, with a focus on Catholic intellectual and cultural history in Europe. She is particularly interested in questions concerning women, gender and religion; mysticism and spirituality; a movement in theology known as ressourcement; and the various Catholic responses to modernity. She is most recently the author of Kindred Spirits: Friendship and Resistance at the Edges of Modern Catholicism (University of Chicago Press, 2021).


The Inner Life and the Constraints of the World in Woodbine and Cajka’s New Books

Woodbine’s beautiful narrative is extraordinarily self-aware, and deeply humane. Haskins’ own voice is strong, active, present throughout. I had not planned to read it in one sitting but I literally could not put it down. Only a couple miles northwest of Haskins’ Roxbury, in the mostly Irish Catholic neighborhood of Chestnut Hill near Boston College, there is a totally other religious and cultural world. This is the place of white priests, educated Catholics, lecture halls, and the circuits of urban Catholic power. Particularly in the 1960s and 70s, it might as well have been another planet from Afro-Caribbean Roxbury.