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Eleanor Craig

Eleanor Craig is Program Director and Lecturer in the Committee on Ethnicity, Migration, Rights at Harvard University. They research critical theories of race, gender, and religion in both transatlantic and transpacific frames. Their work engages with philosophy of religion, literature, critical ethnic studies, and queer studies. They are coeditor with An Yountae of Beyond Man: Race, Coloniality, and Philosophy of Religion (Duke UP, 2021). Craig also coedited the "Practices of Devotion" special issue of Representations with Amy Hollywood, Niklaus Largier, and Kris Trujillo.


Affect Theory and Political Theology

Recent work in the fields of affect theory, especially in the fields of decolonial theory, queer theory, and disability studies, have shown how the necessity of attending to affect and temporality in ways that move beyond traditional accounts that prioritize inner states over exterior practices.


That structural violence is always also relational, proximate, and personal is, perhaps, one of the core insights that the concept of mourning brings to the fore for political theology.

Rethinking Genealogy, Rethinking Race

To read genealogically in this mode is to read anachronistically, to theorize the present through temporally removed contexts while allowing for their difference.