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Elias Opongo

Elias Opongo is the director of Hekima Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations in Kenya. He is the author of numerous publications, including Elections, Violence and Transitional Justice in Africa (Routledge, 2022) and African Theology in 21st Century: A Call to Baraza (Paulines Publications Africa, 2021) edited with Paul Bere.


The Practice of Nonviolence and Catholic Social Teaching: Exploring the Intrinsic Link

The virtues and practices include confronting the issue rather than the person, practicing forgiveness, tolerance, and reconciliation, embracing the enemy as a child of God, and protecting human dignity and the common good. It explores how the combination of CST and nonviolence can address human actions that sustain marginalization, racism, conflicts, oppression, domination, and diverse forms of social exclusion.