Himanee Gupta-Carlson, PhD., began her professional career as a daily newspaper journalist in the mid-1980s, and transitioned into academia a decade later. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University in journalism, and master’s and doctoral degrees from the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa in American Studies and Political Science, respectively. She is the author of Muncie, India(na): Middletown and Asian America, an autoethnography about her place and the place of South Asian Americans in the town that is known as “typical America.” Her current project delves deeper into autoethnography as she explores her place and the place of underground female Hip Hop artists and small community-based farmers as agents of social change. She is an associate professor of Historical Studies at SUNY Empire State College, and lives in Saratoga County, New York, where she runs a four-season farm with her husband.
We appear isolated. Yet, over the years that we have brought our farm into our family, I have come to see ourselves as part of a worldwide imagined community of small farmers.