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James McCarty

James McCarty, Ph.D., is Director of the Center for Equity and Inclusion and Affiliate Instructor of Education at the University of Washington Tacoma. He earned the Ph.D. in Religion (Ethics and Society) from Emory University and also holds degrees from Pepperdine University and Claremont School of Theology. He is an editor of The Business of War: Theological and Ethical Reflections on the Military-Industrial Complex, and a series editor of “The Business of Modern Life Series” with Cascade Books. He has published at the intersections of Christian social ethics, restorative justice, racial justice, and peacebuilding for journals such as the Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, Theology and Sexuality, Journal of Law and Religion, and others. His current book project is We Are Only Human Together: Interdependence and Healing Justice which develops a theological ethic of interdependence.


Transformative Justice is Resistance to the Military-Industrial Complex

By working to abolish policing and prisons as we know them today, prison and police abolitionists are engaging in the kind of activism that can resist and dismantle these interconnected evils at the same time. In other words, transformative justice and prison abolition are ways to resist the military-industrial complex.