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Marty Tomszak

Marty Tomszak is an Visiting Assistant Professor of Theology at Valparaiso University. He is the author of Political Theology Based in Community: Dorothy Day, The Catholic Worker Movement, and Overcoming Otherness (Lexington Books / Fortress Academic, 2023).


Anti-Fascism as Constitutive of the Gospel Ethic

By cataloguing an approachable Christian-oriented anti-fascism, we hope to engage audiences not merely in contemplation, prayer for change, or internal spiritual renewal, but in tangible action.


They Shall Not Pass! The Catholic Worker Ethos, Faithful Direct Action, and the Anti-Fa Christ

An examination of responses that are counteracting the fascism emboldened by Trumpism; including Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker movement as well as Christ’s moral imperative for anti-fascist action. A provision of counternarratives of hope to the prevailing motif of the Catholic Right’s resurgence.

Defining the Problem: Pinpointing the Contours of Fascism

This post is a cataloguing of contemporary fascism which is bolstered by religious ideology. I seek to define it, trace its roots, and remove it from the shadows while inspiring Christian ethical response to counter this plague.