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Scott Paeth

Scott Paeth began teaching at DePaul University in 2004. Working in the fields of Christian Ethics and Public Theology, he is the author or editor of eight books and numerous articles, including The Niebuhr Brothers for Armchair Theologians (Westminster John Knox Press, 2013), Public Theology for a Global Society: Essays in Honor of Max Stackhouse (Eerdmans, 2010); Exodus Church and Civil Society: Public Theology and Social Theory in the Work of Jurgen Moltmann (Ashgate, 2008). He is currently co-editor of the Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics. He has lectured around the world, including Beirut, Lebanon, Pune, India, and Dunedin New Zealand. Besides his contributions to the academic profession, Professor Paeth is also an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, and He has worked with a wide variety of organizations including SCUPE/OMNIA, Interfaith Playdate, Chicago Interfaith Worker Justice, and the Confessing Christ National Steering Committee. A prolific author and a popular speaker, he has written editorials to a number of newspapers, and was featured on PBS’s Religion and Ethics Newsweekly.


Walter Wink, the Powers, and the Sermon on the Mount

Wink’s approach throughout the Powers trilogy is fundamentally a reappropriation of the Biblical texts in light of contemporary concerns. Far from being a “really bad” reading of scripture, it is an excellent example of constructive Biblical theology… The answer he proposes is a wholesale reevaluation of both the Biblical conception of the Powers and Principalities, as well as their relevance to the modern world.