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Timothy "Coup" Couper

Timothy “Coup” Couper is a third-year doctoral student and teaching fellow in systematic theology with research interests at the intersection of constructive and political theology, queer theory, continental philosophy of religion, and both queer and continental varieties of metaphysics. Coup’s dissertation project is a deconstructive rendering of the Trinity weaving three distinct philosophies of time into the fluidity of a queer cloud that Catherine Keller would call “plurisingularity.” Much of their most recent research focuses on queer nihilism as an apophasis of decolonizing hope.


Re-(En)Visioning Liberation: 50 years after Gustavo Gutiérrez’s A Theology of Liberation

Across these six essays, the role of liberation as either a political end or a methodological concept is problematized as means to thinking beyond liberation to a material politics darkly intuited but urgently needed.


After Certainty: Liberations of Failure

Liberation, caught between queer nihilism and eschatological certainty, must seek an third way beyond the binary of hopefulness and hopelessness through the negation of both. It must transpose itself into an apophatic register as the experience of continual failure, an uncertain endless becoming, that might be called simple hope.