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Welling Hall

Dr. Welling Hall is a Recorded Minister of the Gospel in the Religious Society of Friends. Welling is the author of A Guide to Congress for College Student Advocates (Friends Committee on National Legislation) and has worked on the Hill and at the State Department. After serving for many years as Plowshares Professor of Peace Studies at Earlham College, she recently earned an M.Div. at Boston University School of Theology.


A Refiner’s Fire in Political Chaos

When, despite Scripture, unscrupulous officials continue to “oppress the hired workers in their wages, the widow, and the orphan” and “thrust aside the alien,” and a plurality of white, evangelical Christian voters endorse this behavior, how might other believers keep up faith and hope in a Gospel order that upholds justice?

Indignant or Innocent

At first, as I read Psalm 26, the words do not fit neatly on my tongue. I would like to know the story of this indignant plaintiff who so angrily proclaims their integrity in sharp contrast to evildoers and hypocrites.

Humanity beyond the human: Theorizing War with Sylvia Wynter and Edward Said

I am interested in this sense of the ordinary, ongoing strike. This humble strike—not necessarily modest but rather close to the ground—could involve a politics of refusal and boycott, where those terms could be understood not only as negatives, but also as holding space for a new international community, and thus connecting explicitly something already connected or entangled in practice.