The CFP date has been extended for the following stream. Please submit your proposal by Tuesday May 16.
Naming the Anthropos in Anthropocene: A Political Theology of (Hu)Man
Facilitators: Mary Kate Holman ([email protected]), Jacques Linder ([email protected]), James Padilioni, Jr. ([email protected]).
This stream invites papers and participants who call attention to the Anthropocene as a crisis of political theology. The term Anthropocene names the epoch of human-induced climate change, but it does so in the name of Anthropos, as an all-encompassing term for the human species. We invite participants to consider the ways in which western Christian anthropologies of the human have provided, and may yet provide, legitimacy to extractive relations of settler colonialism, racial capitalism, and other systems of domination contributing to climate change, as well as how religious or spiritual movements are responding to or reinforcing such crises.
This stream was formerly limited to Catholic political theology but is now open for scholars working on political theologies of all traditions.
See the rest of the calls for the Political Theology Network 2023 Conference here.
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