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PTN Emergency Micro Grant Program

The Political Theology Network invites PTN Members who have suffered a loss of income due to the pandemic to apply for up to six $500 microgrants. Graduate students, scholars off the tenure track, faithe leaders, and activists who find themselves unemployed or underemployed because of the pandemic are encouraged to apply. All members of PTN are eligible, regardless of when you become a member. Becoming a member of PTN is free. Visit //politicaltheology.com/membership/ to sign up.

The PTN Emergency Micro Grants are made possible by funding from PTN Members. Membership dues and donations collected during the 2020-2021 academic year support the PTN Emergency Micro Grants program. If you would like to donate, you can do so after becoming a member of PTN. Email [email protected] with any questions.

All applications are due May 1st. All applicants will be notified of a decision shortly thereafter.

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