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Around the Network

Renew Your Membership Today!

Did you know the Political Theology Network is much more than just a blog? It’s a member-supported organization guided by elected leadership that sponsors in-person and virtual workshops, writing groups, book clubs, mentorship programs, and a suite of blogs, including Politics of Scripture, Catholic Re-Visions, Critical Theory for Political Theology, Literature and Political Theology, and The Brink.

Today, we are inviting you to become a member, or renew your membership. It’s like public radio in the US: content and community offered for free, with the hope that those who see a benefit in it will contribute by becoming a member. And members receive a monthly newsletter, letting you know about all the exciting happenings in PTN world and beyond. It’s only because of the 2400 Network members that we are able to maintain this website and to support a web of other member-led activities, guided by PTN’s Points of Unity.

As Tommy Lynch, from PTN’s Executive Committee, puts it, “We are the sum total of the activities of our members and we are grateful for the diverse perspectives brought by our members from around the world.”

Brandy Daniels, also from the leadership team, reflects, “One of the things I love most about PTN is its openness. What started as a kind of secondary space to support and sustain those across disciplines who had interests in political theology and developed via a grant into something more has generated so much community and interest. As we slowly but surely transition to a self-sustaining organization, we’re still, well, the sum total of the activities of our members–from organizing or participating in a symposia for the website to contributing to the journal as an author or a peer-reviewer, from presenting or workshopping a paper at a conference to leading a “stream” at or helping to organize the conference, from participating in a dissertation workshop to leading a reading group, to name just a few of the many possibilities and ways folks have made this Network what it is.”

Brandy continues, “The other thing I especially love about being a part of PTN is the diversity of the membership. The folks that comprise PTN are not only diverse in the ways we typically think of diversity (race, gender, sexuality, ability, age, and so on), or in the ways typical for academic guilds (rank, institution type, geographic regions), but one of the things that I think makes PTN delightfully unique is its diversity across disciplines and religious traditions. Yes, there are many of us who are a part of PTN who are religious studies scholars, who are also a part of the American Academy of Religion or the Society of Biblical Literature, but there are also anthropologists, political scientists and political theorists, environmental studies scholars, and sociologists among our ranks, to name just a few of the disciplines represented. And there are non-profit workers, clergy, students, and activists, too! I’ve found this mix of people to be so helpful and refreshing and, more simply, a lot of fun.”

We hope you will consider joining the fun: become a member or renew today!

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