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Anthony Trujillo

Anthony Trujillo is a member of Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo, one of the six Tewa speaking pueblos located in the upper Rio Grande Valley. He is a PhD candidate in American Studies at Harvard University with a Master of Divinity from Yale Divinity School. His research focuses on Indigenous engagements with – and resistance to – colonial Christianities in the 18th and 19th centuries with particular attention the effects of Christianity on Indigenous connections to their homelands and waterspaces and the downstream impacts on territorial, spiritual and political sovereignties of contemporary Native nations and descendent communities. He is the coordinator of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Working Group at Harvard.


Temporality II: Futurity

Both Benjamin and Apess discern that historical narratives are imbricated with notions of futurity, that is, which bodies and polities are allowed to inhabit and thrive within the temporality in which the “not yet” and the “always already” co-constitute each other.

Temporality I: History

William Apess, like Walter Benjamin a century later, sought to shift the paradigms of society with history and theology as orienting poles for colonial critique. Anticipating Benjamin, Apess looked to those who had been wrecked by the advance of colonialism as the grounding site for historical and political theological inquiry.