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Kwok Pui-lan

Kwok Pui-lan is Dean’s Professor of Systematic Theology at Candler School of Theology, Emory University. She is author and editor of many books, including Postcolonial Imagination and Feminist Theology and Occupy Religion: Theology of the Multitude (with Joerg Rieger). Her most recent edited volume is Hong Kong Protests and Political Theology.


Global Symposium I: The Hong Kong Protests and Political Theology

The Political Theology Network is pleased to present the special global symposium on the Hong Kong Protests and Political Theology


Political Theology (政治神學) A Postcolonial Approach

The field has often shown a Eurocentric bias…As such, the field has left out important reflections on political theology during the anticolonial and postcolonial struggles in the Global South.