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Rueben Manohar

Rueben Manohar is an ordained minister of Karnataka Central Diocese, Church of South India. He is currently pursuing his Master of Arts in Pastoral Care and Counselling at Garrett Evangelical Theological College, Chicago.


The Crucial Difference between Hospitality and Solidarity

The concept of “hospitality” is inherently asymmetrical. Ones who see themselves as hosts get to determine to whom hospitality can be offered. Viewed from the guests’ perspective … there is no shared humanity in the unbalanced notion of hospitality.

The Parable of the Condescending Father

Luke 15:11-32 serves as a warning instead of model to imitate.

Favoritism in the Church

When leading members in the church uncritically participate in class based favoritism, they become complicit in oppression. The message of James is simple and arresting. Judgement awaits those who ignore God’s preferential option for the poor and become participants in prevailing discriminatory logics.