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Sturla J. Stålsett

Sturla J. Stålsett, Ph.D. (1998), is Professor of Religion, Society and Diaconal Studies at MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society. He has combined academic work and political and humanitarian activism since the 1980s. His A Political Theology of Vulnerability will be published in Brill’s series “Political and Public Theologies:  Comparisons – Coalitions – Critiques” in June of 2023.



From Myanmar to Mariupol, from the streets of Memphis to the waves and winds of the Mediterranean Sea: resistance to violence takes many forms. So does political protest against precarity. At which point does the unavoidable vulnerability of the living condition come to expression as political agency? Can such precarious politics constitute or configure an alternative community?

On Drawing Normative Distinctions: Populism between “Honest” and “Hijacked” Christianity

Normative distinctions between “honest” and “hijacked” Christianity are a recurrent reference in research on populism. Yet the practices in which Christianity is embedded and embodied paint a more complicated picture. By re-drawing the distinction between the “honest” and the “hijacked,” these practices enable critiques of the anti-Muslim racism that runs through populist politics.