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Bishop Robert Barron on the Appeal of Marxism

In a recent episode of The Word on Fire, Bishop Robert Barron examines Marxism and its relationship to Catholic social teaching. Although rightly pointing out some of the contrasts, Barron neglects the ways Catholic social thought has benefited from dialogue with Marxism.

2 thoughts on “Bishop Robert Barron on the Appeal of Marxism

  1. Thanks for this interesting read, Matt. In Katolicka etyka społeczna, a massive tome which has yet to be published in English, Karol Wojtyła writes that the Church has viewed “ideał komunizmu” [the ideal of communism] positively, but realizes that fallen human nature makes realizing it impossible. He also states that “Church tradition” has opposed capitalism as a “system społeczno-gospodarczego, jak i też jako ogólnego system wartości” [a socioeconomic system and as a general system of values]. Yet, he critiques Marxism and affirms elements of a free market economy.

  2. Young people aren’t interested in Biblical justice. They want the justice of John Rawls, which is nothing but envy redefined as justice.

    Capitalism came from the Catholic theologians associated with the University of Salamanca, Spain, in the 16th century. They distilled the foundation principles of capitalism – the sanctity of property, the just price as the one arrived at in a free market, a free market necessary for property to exist, and a state limited to the protection of the life, liberty and property of the citizens. Protestant nations embraced their principles while Catholic ones rejected them. I provide the interesting details in my book God is a Capitalist: Markets from Moses to Marx available on Amazon.

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