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Catholic Re-Visions

What might Catholic critical race theory look like? Or Catholic queer theory? Or theology of immigration that grows out of autoethnography? Or a Catholic Indigenous theological method? Some folks, both inside and outside the church and academy, are already engaging in these conversations and constructions. We will highlight voices responding to questions like these, and more, on this blog in the months to come.

Catholic Re-Visions will publish essays of 1500-2000 words that critically engage Catholic traditions and Catholic-adjacent questions and movements using a variety of approaches, envisioning anew what Catholicism is, implies, and does. Animated by a concern for justice, this blog will spotlight stories, practices, images, concepts, and scholarly debates that enrich our understanding of Catholicism (broadly understood) and politics (broadly understood). Drawing contributors from within and beyond the academy and from within and beyond the Catholic church, we anticipate that authors will challenge readers, troubling our understandings of Catholic pasts and presents, as well as offering new visions for Catholic futures.

Recent Posts

Recent Symposia

  • Anti-Fascism as Constitutive of the Gospel Ethic

    Anti-Fascism as Constitutive of the Gospel Ethic

    By cataloguing an approachable Christian-oriented anti-fascism, we hope to engage audiences not merely in contemplation, prayer for change, or internal spiritual renewal, but in tangible action.

  • Re-(En)Visioning Liberation: 50 years after Gustavo Gutiérrez’s A Theology of Liberation

    Re-(En)Visioning Liberation: 50 years after Gustavo Gutiérrez’s A Theology of Liberation

    Across these six essays, the role of liberation as either a political end or a methodological concept is problematized as means to thinking beyond liberation to a material politics darkly intuited but urgently needed.