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Political Theology Conference 2023

Registration is now open for the upcoming Political Theology Conference in Philadelphia, PA, September 7-10.

Please click here for more information and registration if you plan to give a paper as part of one of the following conference streams.

You’d Better Shape Up: Virtue, Formation, and the Challenge of Unruly Bodies
Facilitators: Sarah Zager and Rebecca Epstein-Levi

Global Assemblages: Religion and the Far Right
Facilitators: Candace Lukasik and Sarah Riccardi-Swartz

Willing Slaves? Theology, Law, Race
Facilitators: Sean Capener and Sara-Maria Sorentino

Naming the Anthropos in Anthropocene: A Catholic Political Theology of (Hu)Man
Facilitators: Mary Kate Holman, Jacques Linder, James Padilioni, Jr.

Spiritualities of Renunciation and Care: Between Ethics and Politics
Facilitators: Andrew Santana Kaplan, R. Nicholas Peterson, Kyle B. T. Lambelet

For general inquiries, please contact Lucia Hulsether ([email protected]) or Luke Roberts ([email protected]).

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