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Political Theology’s New Online Submission System

The new online article submission system for the journal Political Theology is now active.  Political Theology welcomes original articles that match the aims and scope of the journal on the understanding that the article has not previously been published, and is not being concurrently submitted for publication elsewhere. All articles will be sent to independent referees.

Book reviews are also welcome; please contact Tobias Winright at [email protected], along with a summary of your areas of expertise and experience, to express your interest.  Click here for full author instructions.

Political Theology’s Statement of Aims

The purpose of the journal is to foster scholarship in the area of political theology. Political Theology investigates the connections between religious and political ideas and practices. The journal is interdisciplinary, drawing on theology, religious studies, politics, philosophy, ethics, cultural studies, social theory, and economics. It reflects the diversity of religious and theological engagements with public and political life. The aims of the journal are to:

  • Examine the explicit or implicit religious background to political movements, ideas, and practices

  • Examine the political implications of religious movements, ideas, and practices

  • Interrogate the way power operates at the intersection of religion and politics

  • Reflect on the tradition of political theology in a global context, including voices from marginalized communities and a variety of religious traditions.

  • Provide a bridge between discussions of political theology in different academic disciplines

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