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Tag: Gaza

The Domestic Pain behind October 7

When Israel fights Hamas, very little is left for Mizrahim and women, but these two domestic Others of Israeli society are there as a form of resistance to the globalized lexicon of “War on Terror.” Both enable conceptualizing Gaza also in domestic terms, as another Israeli periphery.

Gaza through a Mother’s Lens

“Mami, when will the war on Gaza end?”… I know I should lie to my eight-year-old son like I used to.

On Gaza: If you wrong us, shall we not revenge?

When Israel launched Operation Protective Edge in response to cross-border terrorist rocket-fire, European (see here and here) and US leaders endorsed their claim to have just cause. But were they right to do so? Do the on-going attacks conform to just war criteria? These are separate questions; both are important. We seek to address these issues from the perspectives of international law and Catholic theological ethics.

Hope is not drawn from the world-that-is. Hope is grounded in perceptions of the world-that-ought-to-be. It arises from the power of the world-that-ought-to-be. For Christians, the world-that-ought-to-be is the eschatological Kingdom of God. It is expected in the future, in God’s time. But, it is also in the present, which is God’s time. The Kingdom is a perpetual possibility, even as its realization must be perpetually deferred in its fullness.