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Tag: Mohammed Slahi

Guantánamo Diary: Interrogating the War on Terror (Pt. 2) (by Maryam El-Shall)

The discourse of terrorism is itself an ideology linked to conceptions of truth and identity, life and death, law and justice. But there is also a terror that exists in silence, a terror that bears no name because the life it destroys is not even recognized as having lived.

Guantánamo Diary: Interrogating the War on Terror (Pt. 1) (by Maryam El-Shall)

. . . We live in an age of terror, but not because we have been terrorized by the Other. Rather, the terrorism we recognize is the consequence of an a priori distinction between lives that matter and lives that don’t. Slahi, confined at Guantanamo since January 2000 without charge, represents the figure of terror.