The journal Political Theology will host a gathering open to everyone who might be in Denver on November 18 from 6:30-9pm at Gaslamp (1437 Market St, Denver CO). The first 100 guests to register will receive a free drink ticket for the event. Register here!
At the event, we expect to celebrate what was published in the journal Political Theology or on the Political Theology Network website this year. The journal’s editorial team will briefly speak, and at 8pm, Janna Hunter-Bowman will offer a brief reflection on her new book Witnessing Peace: Becoming Agents Under Duress in Columbia, the first book to be published in the Transforming Political Theologies book series.
This event is happening simultaneously with the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature. Help spread the word on Facebook! And spread the invitations below to your networks.

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