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"Queer Theology" by Victor H. Floyd
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Call for Papers – Queer Political Theology

The journal invites work that shares its curiosity about how the queer as an ontological, ethico-political, historical, and materialist category worthy of exploration might in itself emerge from the meeting of the political and the theological

GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies is issuing a call for papers for its special issue. The journal invites work that shares its curiosity about how the queer as an ontological, ethico-political, historical, and materialist category worthy of exploration might in itself emerge from the meeting of the political and the theological. The journal welcomes scholarship that approaches the political and the theological themselves as categories that are deeply invested in configurations of modernity, subjectivity, and ontology—work that asks after the queerness that inheres or festers in the relationships between modernity, subjectivity, and ontology, broadly conceived.

In order to be considered for inclusion in this issue, please submit abstracts of no longer than 500 words and a one-page CV. Please send inquiries and submissions to [email protected] by Friday, February 1, 2019. For further information, visit this link.

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