The French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences is hosting a workshop to discuss and elaborate upon themes related to religion and revolution from the medieval to the modern periods in Europe, west and east. The workshop aims to address the implications of re-opening historical debate on revolutions which take seriously the input of political-religion. The Center hopes to emphasize a broad geographic and chronological field, and welcome new and inter-disciplinary approaches to challenge established historiographic narratives. The workshop will organize participants thematically and ask them to react to each others’ papers
Applicants are asked to send a brief abstract of their 20-minute project contribution (200-300 words) to Martin Pjecha by 15 January, 2019, especially focusing on how their work can fit into, contribute to, or challenge the workshop’s theme. Speakers should be prepared to engage in lively, English-language discussions of participants’ projects and broader themes. Limited travel bursaries will be available for those without institutional funding opportunities.
Please visit the CEFRES webpage for more information.
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