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Enough with the Hyperpartisan Split-Screen

Hyperpartisanship is not, as naive commentators said in the early 1980s about cocaine, a “harmless, recreational drug.” We need to stop snorting our lines of political cocaine, sober up, stop demonizing the “other”, and start listening to each other.

Judgment in Light—Psalm 50:1-6

God brings his judgment in and as the light, providing us with a pattern for human justice.

Re-Anarchizing Christianity

For Christians resistance must mean re-anarchizing Christianity, that is, imagining the church as a different kind of political body that transgresses national and racial and class borders in creative ways.

Too Soon for Apologies?

I suspect that, until the character of our culture has changed, individual apologies will continue to be insufficient and inadequate.

The Silence of the Messiah—Mark 1:29-39 (J. Leavitt Pearl)

Sometimes effective resistance necessitates speech or decisive direct action. Yet sometimes resistance also demands a tactical silence.

As One Having Authority—Mark 1:21-28

One of the most striking features of Jesus’s teaching and practice was its authority, which both liberated and bound his hearers. Does the Church dare to speak with authority today?

On Embryos In Burning Buildings

Are Abortion Arguments Rationally Indeterminable?