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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

Christian Nationalism’s Superstition Problem

…Augustus, [himself] Augustus” (TI[BERIVS] CAESAR DIVI AUG[VSTI] F[ILIUS] AUGVSTVS). On the reverse side of the coin was a seated woman who personified Pax (Rome’s “peace” through coercion and domination). Surrounding…

The Politics of Advent—Romans 13:11-14 (Fritz Wendt)

…in the Advent season I loved getting up. It wasn’t because I was an especially good boy (my mother would laugh!), or that I loved my oatmeal (my siblings would…

Police, Property, and the Problem of Self-Preservation

…such that the bullets themselves are like little selves, in search of a body that can serve as the unifying pole of their propriety. If there is no self to…

sea change that has taken place nationally on this issue, literally within months. My own Presbyterian Church USA, which defeated an overture that would have allowed gay and lesbian ordination…

Donald Trump, Demagogue

…and irresolute. The Latin American populists had their widest appeal in a time of dislocation, when millions of Latin Americans were leaving the countryside in search of greater opportunities in…

RTD 2: Mira Morgenstern on Michael Walzer’s “In God’s Shadow: Politics in the Hebrew Bible”

…characterizes the most elevated manifestation of human existence. This leads to one of the questions that seem to haunt Walzer’s book: is Walzer searching the Hebrew bible for something that…

“Dust Bowl” Politics and Our Ongoing Economic Crises – Envisioning a New Global Oikoumene

…we cast aside the politics of resentment, self-justification, and blame and begin an honest search for identifying the visible spiritual sutures whereby our fragmented oikos can be put back together….

Who’s Laughing Now? Pentecostal Disrespectability Politics

…let forever go to sea!) Crucially, the heckling did not end there. Roughly one hundred years later, evangelicals targeted a burgeoning professional class with uncannily similar jesting. Sociologist Magali Sarfatti…

Break Every Yoke

…defunding the police 150 million dollars, Seattle defunding the police by 50%, New York talking about defunding the police by 1 billion dollars. Things that was unheard of and that…

The Politics of Representational Rule—1 Corinthians 12:1-11 (Alastair Roberts)

…Our representation of our societies and rulers to God repeatedly subjects and summons both to the searching yet non-partisan standard of God’s will for our good in society together, while…

The Politics of Kids and Dogs—Mark 7:24-37 (Amy Allen)

…bed, and the demon gone. 31 Then he returned from the region of Tyre, and went by way of Sidon towards the Sea of Galilee, in the region of the…

…not fantasy. The massive protests in Seattle (1999), Prague (2000), Quebec (April 2001), and Genoa (July 2001), were only the most visible elements of this resistance movement. As organizers with…