…or interest group for a Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit. While I was charmed by what appeared to be genuine interest in the scrolls by members of the public asking questions…
By Roger Green

…violating the laws. The emphasis on law as key to Jewish identity is probably not entirely a novel rabbinic idea; the discovery of the dead sea scrolls, two-thousand-year-old documents written…
By Orit Malka

…Sea Scrolls and unlike the Hashmonians, usually prefer the biblical term “Israel” for “Yehudi”, they used these as synonyms, and both stand in a binary relation to the goy; or…
By Adi Ophir
& Ishay Rosen-Zvi
…find in this week’s lection from Hosea 11. Along with Jonah and Nahum, Hosea is one of a very few prophetic texts written by someone from the northern kingdom in…