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Tag: Current Events

Bathroom Confessional

Gendered public restrooms and confessionals operate by frighteningly similar schemas.

Peeing in Public is Never a Crime

The necessary elimination of fluids from the body shouldn’t be the pretext for the unnecessary elimination of immigrants from the body politic.

Do Your Business

“Do your business” is not just a command for Chloe to relieve; it is also an invitation to transgress boundaries and increase the flow of toilet justice.

Thuma Mina – A New Beginning for South Africa?

Jacob Zuma is out and Cyril Ramaphosa is in as President of South Africa. Is this a new beginning for the beleaguered Rainbow Nation?

Enough with the Hyperpartisan Split-Screen

Hyperpartisanship is not, as naive commentators said in the early 1980s about cocaine, a “harmless, recreational drug.” We need to stop snorting our lines of political cocaine, sober up, stop demonizing the “other”, and start listening to each other.