While Carl Schmitt claims that the enemy constitutes “the political,” his various writings largely ignore the historical and discursive evolution of the enemy. Anidjar’s major contribution to modern political theology lies in responding to this lacuna.

Join us for a live stream of the third and final plenary of #PTNCon2019.

…I see my list on political theology functioning like Wittgenstein’s ladder metaphor in his Tractatus. Once graduate students read and grasp these important texts, they should “throw away the ladder”, so to speak, and deconstruct all they have learned about political theology to illuminate contemporary problems on their own. Once they reach the top, they can throw away the ladder.

Register now for the Political Theology Network’s conference, October 17-19, 2019, in New York City.

This guest editorial introduces the recently published special issue of Political Theology focused on Jacques Derrida’s Death Penalty Seminars.