Political Theology Today is actively seeking bloggers and commentators to write monthly, bi-monthly, or occasional opinion, or analytical, pieces on current events. Thoughtful and critical essays that take a multi-sided look at important issues are especially welcome. We do not encourage political rants or screeds, even if they may comport with the views of many of our readers.
Writers with special knowledge of global or regional matters other than what is going on inside the bubble of American politics are especially welcome.
Essays can be anywhere from 800 to 1500 words (in certain cases, they may exceed that limit, but in no circumstances be more than 2500 words), should use hyperlinks instead of footnotes as references, and should be addressed to a broader, educated audience. For specifics on formatting, see our style sheet.
If you are interested in becoming a contributor, but have not yet written anything you want to submit, please query us along with some suggested topics and time frame for submission. Attaching a short vita would also be quite helpful.
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