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The Politics of the Stumbling Stone—1 Peter 2:2-10 (Alastair Roberts)

Christian political witness must be built around and declare Christ as the great eschatological stone laid by God. He must either be approached as the stubborn obstacle, arresting the development of all idolatrous political visions, or as the chief cornerstone, the sure and solid basis from all else can take its bearings.

The Politics of a Sheepfold—Acts 2:42-47; John 10:1-10 (Amy Allen)

God is calling us to life in God’s world together. We are to live as those who recognize our Shepherd, who heed and follow Christ’s call.

The Politics of the Unlocking of History’s Meaning—Luke 24:13-35 (Peter Leithart)

For the disciples on the Emmaus Road, the resurrection was the key to unlocking the meaning of Israel’s history. As a master key, however, its power extends further, opening up our eyes to the one in whom all of human life and history holds together.