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The Politics of an Easter Earthquake—Matthew 28:1-10 (J. Leavitt Pearl)

The events of the first Easter invite illuminating parallels and contrasts with the shock and terror of contemporary state violence.

The Politics of Re-membering—Matthew 26:17-30 (D. Mark Davis)

In celebrating the Eucharist, we are engaging in an act of remembering those who were remembering those who were remembering. To remember is to ‘re-member’, to re-attach ourselves to the great story of God’s deliverance.

The Politics of a Love that Goes Further—John 11:1-45 (Amy Allen)

Had God merely sent his Son, that would have been enough, and more than enough. However, God’s love is a love that goes over and above what could be expected, and which calls us to do likewise.

The Politics of Overcoming Sacrifice—John 9:1-41 (Fritz Wendt)

In the healing of the blind man in John 9 and the response of the religious leaders and teachers that follows, the power of scapegoating is revealed, as is the assurance that Jesus will overcome it.