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Christian Nationalism’s Superstition Problem

Christian nationalism is a form of superstition. It is superstitious because, instead of appealing to the God of all nations, it appeals to a culturally fabricated God for cultural privilege, power, and benefits.

The Food on Christian Tables and the Danger of Abstract Concern

What does the food on Christian tables say about our commitments to justice? How well do our dietary choices reflect the concerns we express for other animals, for the environment, and for one another?

Decolonizing the Climate Apocalypse with Joachim of Fiore?

Can a medieval monk help us decolonize eco-apocalyptic history?

<strong>Saving the Children: Carceral Constructions of Futurity</strong>

“Acting on behalf of the child, the prison establishes itself as both a necessary evil and a transcendent force for good.”

The Cost of Dissent

Jesus’ parable identifies chosenness in those who resist, dissent, protest and refuse the invitations of the empire.

Remembering Vattimo

On September 19, 2023, the philosopher Gianni Vattimo died in Turin. What follows is collection of reflections on Vattimo’s legacy for political theology.

Unnatural Futures and Hope for our Common Home

The call to abolish the family sounds bad – really bad; then again, so does the end of the world. In a moment rife with talk of “environmental apocalypse,” the position of negativity and non-futurity assigned to queer people in Catholic environmentalism becomes a starting point for rethinking the role of “the family” in a genuinely integral and sustainable ecology.

CFP: Special Issue on “Marx and Revolution”

The journal Political Theology announces a call for papers for a special issue on “Marx and Revolution,” guest edited by Sara-Maria Sorentino and Mikkel Flohr. Proposals are due December 15.

<strong>Black Childhood and Religio-Politics in Historical Perspective</strong>

How have ideas about race, gender, and sexuality shaped the historical construction of U.S. American childhood? What can histories of African American childhood teach us about the intersection of religion and politics?

Sabbath as Freedom

The Sabbath commandment is a word of freedom and of resistance to an economic system that is destructive to ourselves and our planet.

Creation, Vengefully Transfigured

Pope Francis suggests that trans people are destroying the world. Perhaps he might learn something if we did.