…does not mean, of course, that there have been no attempts of ecclesiastical seats to assume such power. Indeed, just as the seat of Rome infused the universalist aspirations to…

1 After this Jesus went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, also called the Sea of Tiberias. 2 A large crowd kept following him because they saw…
…me into trouble last spring in a sermon is totally mainstream. It was a sermon about love, riffing on one of the never-ending readings from John in the season of…

…has made him known. John 1:1-18 In her book Beyond Monotheism, Laurel Schneider deftly threads together three needles–postcoloniality, multiplicity, and process theology–in search for a “divinity beyond the Logic of…
…This confusing narrative leaves one wondering whether or not David was anointed while Saul was still alive or dead. Another element located is that God was regretful for making Saul…
…replacement of the diversity lottery visa system with a visa based on “merit.” Most analysts believe that the proposal is “dead on arrival” in Congress. Immigration activists and most Democrats…