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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

The Politics of the Messianic Body—1 Corinthians 12:12-31a (Ray Pickett)

…and wisdom with the humiliation and vulnerability of the crucified messiah. The logic of Paul’s argument is that the demonstration of God’s power in raising from the dead a Galilean…

…by sketching innovative, new ways to model and develop such engagement. The deadline for 250-word abstracts is March 11th 2013 (see here for abstract submission details) and speaker bursaries covering…

Nietzsche And The Roots Of “Progressive Neoliberalism” (Carl Raschke)

The following is the second installment of a four-part series on “progressive neoliberalism”. The first installment can be found here. Friedrich Nietzsche, whose iconic saying “God is dead” (in German,…

The American Presidential Debates Mask A Divisive “Deep Politics” To Which We Remain Blissfully Oblivious (Carl Raschke)

…it in a disarming and dead-pan aside, one of the two people debating was bound to lose to the other. Hopefully, when the verdict arrives come November, we will stop…

The Politics of the Day of the Lord—2 Peter 3:8-15a (Alastair Roberts)

…in danger of overshooting his deadlines. Peter goes on to explain that the Lord’s apparent slackness concerning his promised return is not a manifestation of his failure to keep his…

…claim is to exercise dominion over all humanity, any exception undermines it—henceforward, the devil and his servants are “dead-enders,” still exercising power but with no legitimate authority. In short, this…

Transgressing ‘white’ Transfiguration

…he ordered them to tell no one about what they had seen, until after the Son of Man had risen from the dead. Mark 9:2–9 (NRSVue) *In many English translations,…

…be immensely valuable. At the same time, these undertakings require that we first take our interlocutors (living or dead) on their own terms, paying attention to the implicit and explicit…


…into the realm of biopolitics, complicates this biopower narrative through his theorization of the “living dead” to analyze the “contemporary forms of subjugation of life to the power of death.”…

Call for Presentations: Can Postmodern Theology Live in the Churches?

…Christianity and those who “rightly pass for atheists”? Please send presentation abstracts of no more than 250 words to [email protected] by the submission deadline of January 31, 2013. Also please…

…the deadlock that currently exists in this field. S.I. Strong is the Manley O. Hudson Professor of Law at the University of Missouri School of Law.  She has also taught jurisprudence and British constitutional,…

The American Fantasy: Gender, Work, and Freedom in The Golem and the Jinni

…mind from her with magic so that she experiences from him not desire but a ‘bizarre void,’ she shudders, thinking of the surgeon cutting out the appendix of her now-dead