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Search: Dead Sea Scrolls

Rowan Williams on “Decentering”

…out of a deadlocked situation or a political crisis. The political dimension of such a “decentering” is dealt with particularly in “The Truce of God” (first published London 1983; 2nd…

Breaking a Powerful Silence

…in this area above all others. People have been made to feel that they are better off dead than requiring aid with urination and defecation. I see a connection between…

Some Trust in Chariots—Psalm 20

…soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the…

…nearing its iceberg. Do we really want to give the last word to Keynes, who famously said that “in the end we’re all dead”? Carl Raschke is Professor of Religious…

The End of This World Portends the Birth of a New One

…the deadly politics of capitalism, its pandemic. If the Covid pandemic portends anything, it is that this world of “unbeing” is ending and with its end comes the start of…

Cultivating Justice and Hope amid Different Worlds: An Interview with Silvana Rabinovich

…organize and act to affirm life, and even defend the persistence of the dead. In a similar way, when I think Mahmoud Darwish’s poem Red Indian’s Penultimate Speech to the…

No Justice, No Peace: Reflections on the Tragedy of Ferguson

…and I mean this quite literally, financially – peace seems enforceable. We have the deadly luxury of ignoring the violence we commit and the violence committed against us and basking…

Class, Race, and Democratic Life: How to Read Niebuhr in 2016

dead and wounded,” Niebuhr wrote. “The workers must eat today; they must be cared for immediately. We must not let them and their families picket the mills with hungry stomachs”…

Malaria in the Ancient World

…from persistent problems of gastrointestinal diseases and brucellosis (from infected animal products such as goat’s milk), each year had seasons in which one could expect death, from typhus, typhoid, dysentery,…

To Love and To Disagree—Mark 12:28-34

…tendencies, particularly in light of this week’s deadly attack on a US synagogue in Pennsylvania, it is important to let that sink in. Jesus’ answer to the scribe’s question—what Christian…

Announcement – Theology of Liberation and Decolonial Thought Summer School

…from Decolonial Thought and Theology of Liberation to the secular/religion binary of modernity? The application deadline is March 1, 2020. Please visit the website to apply and for further information….

Squaring the Exceptional and the Normative? A Realist Response to Kahn’s Political Theology

…political theology which suggests the two are irredeemably separate. I do not want to reach the political dead end (or at least no conclusion) offered by Schmitt and implicitly by…