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What are the prospects and limits of confronting sexual violence from within political theology?

Political Theology and Ecology

For this symposium, we asked our contributors to reflect on possible points of intersection between ecology and political theology.

Love and Politics

What is at stake in invoking “love” in political spheres? When we claim that “Love Trumps Hate”, what vision of “love” are we championing? When and how is it valuable for activists and religious leaders to make recourse to the idea of “love”? What kind of obligations does “love” entail?

Global Horizons!

Truth be told, the world is much larger than we are able to remember.

Race & Political Theology

What is the role of the public theologian in unveiling the racialized discourse of public theology itself?

The Politics of Sacred Texts

For this symposium, we asked respondents to reflect on the question, “What are the political implications of naming a text sacred?”

The Figure of King

These essays chip away at the patina that has built up around King’s figural representation in our collective political culture.

Toilet Justice

Working for toilet justice is a vivid, material, concrete way to demand space for marginalized bodies, and to resist a respectability politics that sacrifices problematic bodies for the sake of political expediency

Resisting: Political Theology

Does political theology offer strategies for resisting injustice? Or should political theology itself be resisted?

Books We Love

What five books at the intersection of religion and politics inspire you?

Emerging Crisis of Neo-liberalism

We delve into the theoretical and politico-theological genesis of the crisis of neo-liberalism.