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Photo by Peg Hunter CC BY-NC 2.0
Body Politics, Justice

Political Theology and Disability Studies

We asked two thinkers to reflect on possible points of intersection between political theology and disability studies. Both thinkers approached this question by considering how critical disability studies might help inform our understanding of the ongoing crisis at the United States’ southern border.

For this symposium, we asked two thinkers to reflect on possible points of intersection between political theology and disability studies. Both thinkers approached this question, in part, by considering how critical disability studies might help inform our understanding of the ongoing crisis at the United States’ southern border. Mike Walker argues for the imperative to understand disability as a theological concern, as well as a political one, considering both the crisis at the southern border, and unfolding environmental catastrophe. Heike Peckruhn reflects on the critical analytical interventions disability studies might offer us in understanding the border crisis in terms of real and diverse embodied experiences  

Symposium Essays

Embodying Compassion: the Theological and Political Content of Disability

…theologies of disability can aid human flourishing, because caring for people of varied abilities made in God’s image allows us all to create more just and compassionate political systems

Debilitating Trauma, Techniques of Violence, Creative Madness

How do we account then for bodily interactions at the southern border ethically and theologically?