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Tag: Acts

Rethinking Easter: Towards Radical Inclusivity

As a motif of Easter grace, the mountain is a place of new beginnings and renewal for all who seek abundant life.

The Disrupting, Expansive Spirit

It is, as we read throughout Acts, about how this epistemological truth has moral and ethical implications, disrupting the naturalized ways in how we relate to each other as consequences of history, religion, or culture. We do not only see Jesus where we expect him, but also in those who are oppressed, who we oppress, and oppose.

Heroism is a Fatal Disease

We love heroism; we may even be addicted to it. But what happens when our addiction breeds a “heroism” that’s twisted, dangerous, and a disease?

Our Wrongs and God’s Right—Acts 16:16-34

Two wrongs don’t make a right—except, in today’s reading, they do.

The Habitation Made Desolate—Acts 1:15-26

The gory fate of Judas is an unsettling feature of the narrative of Acts for many modern readers. Yet recovering the New Testament authors’ sense of the fearful consequences of opposing the reign of Christ is a necessary task for political theology.