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Tag: authoritarianism

The Problem of Authoritarian Reactionary Christianity

Authoritarianism in Christianity is a feature, not a bug, and it is unlikely to change any time soon. Perhaps on its own it is a problem mainly to those inside the faith. But when Christian authoritarianism hooks up with fierce cultural reaction, it can become a profound problem for society.

<strong>Make America Mate Again: How “Us vs. Them” Drives Nationalist Pronatalism<a href=[1]">

Like authoritarian regimes throughout history and around the world, threats to cultural and political power are leading many on the Christian Right to fear declining national birth rates and promote traditional gender roles and having more babies for “the nation.”

White Christian Nationalism: What It Is and Where It’s Going

White Christian Nationalism is being actively transformed into a theo-political program – and a grave threat to American Democracy.

Revisiting Reflections on Relics and Contagion in Two Parts

Life after violence and profound loss requires that we find ways to hold and contain that pain. Relics help us do this. As we wrap them in our words, craft beautiful containers, or place them in vitrines, we keep these memories alive. We acknowledge and respect their ongoing presence in our lives.