xbn .

Tag: compassion

Active Compassion, Not Self-Righteousness

The theo-political impulse of this parable is this: one needs to address the inequality of perceptions that manifest both in society and sacred places.

The Parable of the Condescending Father

Luke 15:11-32 serves as a warning instead of model to imitate.

Family is a Fluid Construct

Jesus and his disciples can be seen to both affirm and expand the construction of first-century family, even as they are not limited by it. Such a reading of Mark complicates any single definition of “biblical family” in favor of recognizing the fluid and constructed nature of family systems across time.

Christ the King/Reign of Christ

Compassion and solidarity make for a powerful bond between God and humanity.

Bearing Witness to the Lived Realities of Our Migrant Kin

We Christians who are citizens must be physically present on the border with México, that we might bear witness to the realities of what we experience alongside those who are most acutely affected by the policies of the current Administration.