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Tag: Lectionary

The Politics of Overcoming Evil—Romans 12:9-21 (Amy Allen)

Christians are called not to ignore despair, but to help sow joy in its wake; not to condone hate, but to be all the more zealous in their own loving in its face. The politics of overcoming evil are about neither ignoring nor condoning evil, but rather, fighting it with the strongest power possible—love.

The Politics of Giving Hope—Isaiah 51:1-6 (Fritz Wendt)

No matter how established we may think we are in this life, we are always on the way to another. To steady our step and to guide our path, we need to practice hope.

The Politics of Charlottesville and the Canaanite Woman—Matthew 15.21-28 (J. Leavitt Pearl)

Through his encounter with the Canaanite woman, Jesus undergoes a conversion experience from his ethnocentrism. In the ugly shadow of recent events in Charlottesville, we must follow his example.

The Politics of Walking on Water—Matthew 14:22-33 (Amy Allen)

In the interaction between God’s establishment of circumstances and our free response to them, we see something of the way that God enables us to be more human.

The Politics of Solomon’s Dream—1 Kings 3:5-12 (Alastair Roberts)

King Solomon’s desire for wisdom to equip him for just rule establishes him as the paradigm of the Wisdom tradition and as an example for us to follow. The scriptural emphasis upon wisdom in rule may contrast strongly with contemporary emphases upon technique.

The Politics of the Source of Life—Genesis 28:10-19a; Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

All of humanity comes from the Source and all our journeys will lead us back to the Source. The story of Jacob’s Ladder reminds that God is not far away but right here in the ordinariness of our everyday struggles, the answer to our desire for oneness.

The Politics of Fraternal Rivalry—Genesis 25:19-34

In the story of the rivalry between Esau and Jacob, we discover a typology that can shed an unflattering light on a number of the tensions that exist between people in the modern world.

The Politics of Water-Sharing—Matthew 10:40-42 (Amy Allen)

Water is a right, not a privilege. It is not something won for right belief or fortunate circumstances of birth, but rather a gift of sustenance and refreshment that comes from our Living God.

The Politics of a New ‘Family Values’—Matthew 10:24-39 (Fritz Wendt)

In his challenge to the rich young ruler, Jesus also challenges conservative family values politics, offering us an alternative vision of relations in the kingdom of God.

The Politics of Inhospitality—Genesis 18:1-15

There is perhaps no biblical virtue more foreign to the contemporary Western mind than hospitality. For us, the deeply ethical connotations of hospitality for the stranger—the resident alien or refugee—have been largely replaced with a call for general neighborliness and an often all-too-partisan welcome.

The Politics of Man’s Exaltation—Psalm 8 (Alastair Roberts)

Psalm 8’s presentation of human dominion and politics as a creation of God has significant ramifications for our posture towards the various forms of human rule and authority. The juxtaposition of divinely appointed power and human weakness humbles arrogant ambition, encouraging a spirit of meekness and modest service in our politics.

The Politics of Traversing Difference—Acts 2:1-21 (Amy Allen)

Pentecost does not present us with the ideal of the uniform, homogeneous community, but with a divine power that traverses all of our differences. God’s will is to unite us in our diversity, not to extinguish it.