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Tag: Political Theology

Lived Liturgy? A Call for Papers from Catholic Re-Visions and the Journal of Global Catholicism

In turning away from more abstract debates about liturgy to those that center on its lived and material dimensions, we hope to enliven a conversation about ‘lived liturgy’ to consider what practices uphold, challenge, or fail to account for the global political order.

Dialogue as Micro-Politics: A Reply to Suzanne Hobson, David Sherman, and Stephanie Paulsell

Hobson, Sherman, and Paulsell are inspiring writers, and their thoughtful, learned, critical engagement with my writing is, I believe, an example of the micro-relational politics that give hope during challenging times.

Modernism and Political Theology: Shared Origins

The renunciation of God … does not insulate you from the part played by Christianity in collective practice and public ritual

Liberalism’s Death Has No Afterlife. Perhaps That’s a Good Thing.

What might it mean to learn from the past now that time has moved on and “the past” now refers to a bygone era of liberal hegemony?

2024 AAR/SBL Conference and Political Theology

This following post includes political theology related panels and events happening at the AAR/SBL Conference in San Diego California this year. Below you can find the times, locations, and much more, as it is presented in the online program book.

The Death of a Fascist Does Not Mean the Death of Fascism: A Storied and Theological Plea for Non-Violent, Disruptive Anti-Fascism

This essay is a storied and theological proposal for non-violent, disruptive anti-fascism.

Resisting Christofascism Today

At the base of Christofascism lies the response of uncritical obedience. For this reason, Christians need to become aware of how their own language of obedience functions Christian moral systems and concepts of faith.

Tearing Down the Heavens: Marx’ Critique of Religion, Atheism, and Political Economy

For Marx, religion is more than “the opium of the people,” it is the mirror of society turned upside down. This essay examines Marx’s critique of religion as well as his critique of other contemporary critiques of religion. This critique of religion became the starting point of his critique of political theology and, later, political economy.

Affect Theory and Political Theology

Recent work in the fields of affect theory, especially in the fields of decolonial theory, queer theory, and disability studies, have shown how the necessity of attending to affect and temporality in ways that move beyond traditional accounts that prioritize inner states over exterior practices.